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Deep Ocean Water

The sea is said to be the origin of life. It is described as ‘Mother Sea” because it is the birthplace of life and contains all the minerals that living things need.The baby's amniotic fluid and blood circulating in the body are very similar to the ratio of seawater minerals.

Deep Ocean Water

Over a long period of time, many minerals have dissolved into deep seawater, and provides excellent properties. Deep seawater generally refers to seawater in the layer where the water temperature is suddenly cold at a depth of 200m or more, where the sun, which is necessary for photosynthesis, does not reach. The deep seawater from Toyama Bay used in CISOA is very cold seawater with a salinity of about 3.4% and a water temperature of less than 2 degrees Celsius.  The salinity and dissolved oxygen levels are higher than those of the Pacific Ocean, and the nutrients are several times higher than those of surface water, and the water quality is stable with little change in temperature even in summer.

Rich in minerals

Compared to mountain water, seawater is more concentrated in minerals and contains several to dozen times more natural minerals. Minerals are inorganic elements such as magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium and sodium that are essential to the nutrition of humans, animals, and plants. For example, a liter of mineral water contains about 5 mg of magnesium, tap water about 2 mg, and deep seawater about 1,300 mg. For calcium, mineral water contains about 20mg, tap water about 10mg, and deep seawater about 410mg.

Low temperature stability

The temperature is stable at around 2℃ throughout the year since the sunlight doesn't reach.


Compared to surface seawater, it has less bacteria (1/1,000 to 1/10,000) and is clean and free from chemical pollution from land and the atmosphere.


It is rich in nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus, and has a very good mineral balance.

Deep Ocean Water protects the Skin

Recent research has shown that deep seawater has the effect of activating cell metabolism by directly working on the skin cells, not only moisturizes the skin by absorbing minerals.

Increase in ceramide

The barrier function prevents various foreign substances from entering the body from outside, and at the same time prevents moisture from evaporating from the body.

Ceramides (intercellular lipids of the cornea) play an essential role in this barrier function. Concentrated mineral water obtained from deep seawater has been shown to promote ceramide synthesis.